graphic design and branding for all businesses.

Working remotely in Los Angeles

For the last 15 years I have worked my way through the design and branding industry, picking up tips and tricks along the way. What started as basic photo re-touching quickly grew in to creative graphic design and ultimately website UX and branding for clients in all types of industries.

For the last few years, I’ve worked from home full-time. In those short few years, I became a Toddler Mom. A unique experience with lots of adapting for both of us but ultimately a challenge overcome…for now ;)

From big to small clients, three things I always promise:


Designs you will surely love

This is what I love to do, so I’ll make sure you are happy with the results. We’ll work as a team to get there!


Transparency every step

I will always be honest about pricing, turnaround time, and design opinions. Your happiness is mine!


A healthy freelance relationship

No drama or difficult relationships. I'm here to make your life easier, solve problems and help you grow your business.